Dancing the Cosmic Heart Awake

We are multi-dimensional, spiritual beings having a human experience. However, after centuries of conditioning, we've forgotten this primordial truth, unconsciously creating a lived illusion of scarcity, limitation, fear, separation & competition.
~ Do you often find yourself feeling lonely, with a sense of separateness from the rest of the world?
~ Are you longing for meaningful communion & connection?
~ Do you find yourself longing for more loving touch in your life?
~ Are you frequently exhausted, with little creative life force energy?
~ Do you suffer from anxiety and/or depression?
~ Are you able to completely surrender & trust in life?
Imagine remembering your true essence, & developing the capacity to receive your luminous, radiant self back into your day-to-day life? How would your relationship with yourself, & everyone around you, transform if you lived from a space of deep unity consciousness?
We invite you to a very intimate 6 day deep dive for women, where we dance our hearts wide awake to the magic, medicine & mysteries of cosmic reality ~ all available & accessible within the heart's ancient, forgotten wisdom & sensed intelligence of the womb ~ through daily, embodied movement & meditation practices.
The foundation of this exquisite invitation is THE COSMIC HEART MEDITATION, a profound, universal Movement Meditation in 5 Parts, which is danced around a seated partner, with their eyes closed, who is the Receiver.
The dancer is the Giver. The partners then swop, so each has the opportunity to GIVE & RECEIVE. The meditation is guided, and after 6 days you will know it by HEART, & we trust it will become as central to your personal meditation & movement practice~ as well your own healing arts practices if you are a practitioner ~ just as it has for Benita & myself.
'Here in this body are the sacred rivers; here the sun and the moon, as well as the sacred pilgrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body.'
~ Saraha ~
Pumula Retreat Centre, on the luscious south coast of KZN, nestled in a forest overlooking the Indian Ocean.
It is immersed in 5 acres of sub-tropical jungle, & the stunning glass & timber practice room is situated within this lush foliage. The food is healthy vegetarian fare, especially designed to support those journeying inwards. Kristen, our talented chef, follows this creed: The food you eat can be either the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison ~ Ann Wigmore. The centre is a short drive to the beach, & the large pool overlooks the ocean.
In a word, it's paradise!
Dakini Kali
(a.k.a Dakini Kali Satyagraha, DJ Kali, the Dancing Dakini)
Kali is a highly skilled, deeply loved & widely respected facilitator & practitioner of Deeper Dancing, BlissDance, Cuddle Parties™, CosmoForm Meditation, & Advait Tantra, whilst also being renowned for the sacred space she holds for the support of women's spiritual awakening through Red Tents (AfrikaBurn, SpiritFest, Learning Man, Retreat Yourself). She's also a popular world-music DJ. Kali counts herself blessed to have been trained & inspired by some of the world's leading-edge teachers in embodied awareness, as well as local traditional healers, & devotes her life to the revolution of love that's needed to reinvent the world anew.
Kali is also a mother to an accomplished 20-year old daughter.
Benita Ardenbaum
‘Benita’ means ‘Blessed Feminine,’ and what a gift She is to the world!
Benita is a family & divorce lawyer, divorce coach & mediator, who has been practicing law for 27 years. With a passion to arrive at justice & fairness for all when families split up, she runs a highly respected international practice out of her Durban & Cape Town offices.
Benita’s interest in people dynamics, healing polarities & living optimally led her to train intensively with the John DeMartini Institute for 8 years as a Life Coach.
As she deepened in her work, she became fascinated with the power of mindfulness to support healing & mediation in highly charged, fractious situations, & studied Bernie Prior’s non-dual meditation techniques, The Form Reality Practice & CosmoForm with the Tantric Master himself, as well as with Dr Shakti Malan. In the 8 years she’s been dancing the 5-part Form, it has evolved through her own inner feminine, & become The Cosmic Heart Meditation, which is the base Embodiment Practice of our 6-day retreat.
Over the past 2 years, Benita has been diving ever more deeply into the inner union of mature masculine & feminine consciousness with Dakini Kali Satyagraha, your co- facilitator, having participated in several Red Tents & African Bush Retreats. Her journey into embodied, unity consciousness is an ongoing one.
Benita is a devoted mother to two grown-up children, a committed wife, & an avid trail runner.
Investment in Yourself
~ R18,750.00 pp ~
including spacious shared accommodation; all vegetarian/vegan meals & snacks; & facilitation.