Private Plant Medicine Retreats
~ Private Plant Medicine Retreats ~
San Pedro, named after St Peter, holds the keys to the gates of heaven
Plant medicine is not for everybody and ideally should be imbibed in a safe, well held ceremony upon hearing the calling from the planet medicine’s consciousness. This calling will be specific, and not just for any plant teacher. Signs might include seeing the plant wherever you look, hearing its sacred name mentioned repeatedly, as well as beginning to feel the need for guidance, or for a quantum shift within.
Similarly, the shaman or plant medicine facilitator’s name may also arise within your field, seemingly nowhere. It’s important to pay attention to the specifics. It’s also critical to check out the properties of the plant, as well as the credentials of shaman / facilitator, and not just jump in willy-nilly without discernment.
Kali’s approach to plant medicine ceremonies is somewhat different to most: she insists on following the sanctified protocols (the Dieta) prior to, and upon arrival; a 3-night / 4-day retreat duration, during which a strong, safe container is created, the ancestors consulted, the land consecrated and the Icaros (prayers) sung ; spacious time to relax, integrate and balance the teachings which may have arisen during the journey; as well as time on the final day to share, and a check-in one month later.
In Kali’s approach to plant medicine ceremonies, there are no short-cuts, and no exceptions.
Plant medicine should not be taken without prior consultation if:
You are pregnant
You are under the age of 18
You have had psychotic episodes in the past
You are on chronic or psychiatric medication
You have a heart condition or any other serious illness
You have strong addictive tendences
The plant teacher Kali is blessed to work with is San Pedro - a master teacher assisting us to reach higher states of consciousness by showing us how to live in balance & harmony; it teaches us compassion & understanding; & it shows us how to love, respect, & honour all things. It shows us too that we are children of light - precious & special - & to see that light within ourselves and all our relations.
We use San Pedro to reconnect to the Earth, & to realize that there’s no separation between You, Me, the Earth, & the Sky. We are all One. It's one thing to read and understand this on a cognitive level, but another one entirely to directly embody & experience the oneness, which is the most beautiful gift we can receive.
We unconsciously hold negative beliefs about ourselves as tensions in our bodies. If we don't eventually release them, they become hardened & manifest as physical or emotional challenges. At the same time, our good energies are blocked so that the fullness of our soul is not expressed & vital parts of us stay repressed and buried. San Pedro can make conscious our negative beliefs, so the positive ones can shine through. It’s a form of soul retrieval; one where we return ourselves back to ourselves.
In the South Americas, San Pedro is especially associated with the Shamans & Healers of the Peruvian Andes, who also call it The Remedy, referring to the cacti’s healing & visionary powers, which enable us to let go of illusions and delusions.
The Spanish conquerors of Central & South America, on encountering this sacred plant medicine, named it San Pedro, or Saint Peter, because they believed the plant holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
Whilst it is known as a Grandfather, and is viewed as having a masculine consciousness, in my experience the journey connects us to felt feminine sensuality – a very sensual, embodied, sensation of feeling the inter-connectedness of all of life. Perhaps because of San Pedro’s powerful masculine presence, the feminine finally feels safe enough to feel everything in creation?